
“Big Changes” or “Buh-Bye, Etsy”
March 5th, 2012

Oh, what big changes! Where do I start? How ’bout the obvious . . .

A new look, and a new logo. Yup, another Nava Designs logo in my quest to find something permanent. I think this one will stick, because its’ simple, memorable, and very personal. It both looks good and is recognizable in small scale, so it can be used on many different sizes of materials. The ‘N’ is my own handwriting, so it’s instantly far more personal than anything that I’ve done before. Sometimes simple can be hard to design.

I like Etsy. I really do. But, it has its problems. There are some very basic features that many Etsy users (including myself) believe should have been implemented from the start—or at least added early on. They’ve been requested for years, but the Etsy administrators have shown no desire to add them, let alone provide any type of response. It’s like shouting to a locked door, but you’re not sure if there’s anyone on the other side listening. I posted about my wishlist of features on Etsy’s forums, which stirred up quite a commotion for a day or two.

I like Etsy. I really do. But, it’s time to say goodbye. Don’t get me wrong; I’m keeping my Etsy account, which is needed to buy things there. And, there are definitely things there that have caught my eye. But, I decided to bring the Nava Designs Store back home, featuring a superior cart system. And, I don’t have to pay all of those Etsy fees ($.20 to post each number of items, and 3% of the sale). I also have a better postage calculator than I did before, so shipping will not be so expensive as last time.

Best of all, no account signup is required! You can still shop as a guest, with payments still being processed through PayPal (no PayPal account required). Etsy requires an account. I don’t like having to sign up for accounts whenever I want to buy from an online store, especially if I’m buying from them only once.

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