
Blast Off!
July 20th, 2010

It’s finally here! The official “Stubby” paper model. I really enjoyed working on this one, and I’m glad that it has finally been released. I actually had planned on emailing Irene Gallo about it, if only to remind her that had this thing to release. When I open my email client, I see an email from Irene. What a coincidence! Or, do great minds think alike?

You can download the paper model over at, and feel free to sign up to post comments and pictures there. You can send your comments here, too, if you like.


Take a look at Robothut’s smokin’ modification:

You can check out some photos of Robothut’s smoker device online.

This all reminds me of the old Flash Gordon serials. Check out the rocket ship in the beginning of this clip:

Here’s Stubby as it makes its first flight thanks to a rocket mod!

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