
April 17th, 2007

My Stepmother is always hassling me for my “Building a Dream” painting. Of course, I’ll never give it to her; she’s always a little careless when it comes to artwork if it’s not properly protected. There have been many times that she accidentally damaged my work when she used to drive me to my art classes.

Instead of giving her the original painting, I decided to do the next best thing: order a poster print from my CafePress store.

The print came in this afternoon, and I’m pretty pleased. It arrived in a mailing tube which is insanely thick and durable. It’s a good thing, too, because it looks like the tube took quite a beating. The 31″ x 23″ glossy print is beautiful, and I’m eager to get one of my new “Treasure’s Curse” painting.

I’ve always enjoyed CafePress‘ products; I like to order mouse pads and calendars. The mouse pads usually have one of my artworks printed on them, and the calendars are always made from my Disneyland photos.

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