
You are currently browsing the archives for the Artwork category.

3D Printed Pirate Loot on Etsy
April 11th, 2022

I recently began an ambitious project to recreate the talking skull from Disneyland’s Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. I normally wouldn’t consider tackling something like this, but now I can use my 3D printer to produce parts that I would have had to sculpt by hand (I’m really bad at sculpting).

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Paper Art: Pirate Ship Restauraunt—No. 01
February 20th, 2013

I started a video series on the Disney Experience, showcasing the entire design process of a new paper model. I thought some people might like to watch how I work.

Here is the first video, of which many others will follow. If you would like to continue watching the series, you can follow them either on the Disney Experience website or on YouTube.

In the Harbor
September 19th, 2012

San Salvador Paper Model

Look at what just sailed into the harbor! You can now download the free San Salvador paper model from the Maritime Museum of San Diego‘s website. There are two versions: mine (v2) and Roman Detyna’s (v1). Roman’s version is more physically detailed, while my own relies more on graphics.

The museum has also allowed me to offer the model for download on this site.

It’s an HO World After All
April 12th, 2012

Back in 2007, I worked on some mock-up package designs to help pitch an idea to the Disney Parks. I did have to use photos found online, but since I do not remember where I got them, I cannot credit anyone.

Imagine putting together your very own HO scale plastic model of the Mad Tea Party attraction or Sleeping Beauty Castle, complete with surrounding foliage. Sounds pretty sweet, huh? Granted, not everyone enjoys or even has the patience to assemble and paint a plastic model. But, boy, wouldn’t it be neat to start building your own Disneyland or Magic Kingdom right at home? And, that’s only one version of the model kits.

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Discover the San Salvador
March 13th, 2012

San Salvador Paper Model

I have been given the task of designing a simpler paper model of Rodriguez Cabrillo’s San Salvador, the first European ship to discover San Diego, California, and the West Coast of the United States.

Roman Detyna’s version, pictured here, is very beautiful and nicely detailed. But, it is aimed at more experienced model builders. The Maritime Museum of San Diego wants to reach a broader audience, aiming for 4th-graders and everyone new to paper models.

Both models will be available for free from the museum’s website. My simple version is expected to be completed by mid/late May, and will also be available for download from Nava Designs. If you’re interested in following my model progress, I may post some images on my Twitter feed since the museum has given me free range to post almost whatever I like.

“Big Changes” or “Buh-Bye, Etsy”
March 5th, 2012

Oh, what big changes! Where do I start? How ’bout the obvious . . .

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February 7th, 2012

What good is art if you can’t share it? For the first time ever, I am releasing select works of art (paintings, drawings, etc.) to the general public. More pieces will be released in the coming months.

It may seem like I’ve been pushing the store a lot lately . . . and that would be true. I’ve been working on a lot of exciting things, and I just can’t wait to share them. The new bookplate debut is just the tip of the iceberg. Other designs are coming, and there are some mystery items that will coordinate with those designs.

There are also new social buttons on Nava Designs, which I’ve been upgrading as well. I’ve included the most obvious buttons, but if there are others that you think I should include, contact me.


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