
You are currently browsing the archives for the Artwork category.

As Seen on . . .
January 24th, 2012

A few years ago, I signed a contract with Disney, specifically with the international division of the former Walt Disney Internet Group (now the Disney Interactive Media Group). One of the details gave the company the right to publish certain paper models that I have designed. I cannot go into contract details, but it appears that the models are finally popping up on Disney websites, specifically the Disney Insider. Many thanks to Caleb for finding this and bringing it to my attention.

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Death Certificate
September 22nd, 2010

To keep with the theme of the Halloween season, I thought I’d share a recent bit o’ art that I did.

This death certificate was designed for a website called Master Gracey’s Haunted Mansion. The site owner wanted a fresh, new look, and I had fallen in love with the designs of old documents, certificates, marriage licenses (they are works of art in themselves!). I thought vector graphics would best keep the certificate looking new while I incorporated an engraving technique and a tiny bit of aging. I was really going for the look of old parchments that had been printed long ago, had been safely stashed away in near-mint condition, and have been recently discovered.

You can print out your own certificate (two different versions) over at Master Gracey’s Haunted Mansion.

Blast Off!
July 20th, 2010

It’s finally here! The official “Stubby” paper model. I really enjoyed working on this one, and I’m glad that it has finally been released. I actually had planned on emailing Irene Gallo about it, if only to remind her that had this thing to release. When I open my email client, I see an email from Irene. What a coincidence! Or, do great minds think alike?

You can download the paper model over at, and feel free to sign up to post comments and pictures there. You can send your comments here, too, if you like.

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Now on Flickr!
July 18th, 2010

Many of the photos in the galleries can now be seen on Flickr! There, you will be able to get a closer look at the artwork at better resolutions.

March 9th, 2010

Let’s take a quick look at a personal project that I just recently finished. One morning, I woke up with an insatiable urge to design a miniature scene inside of a pocket watch. There’s nothing like being slapped upside the head by a Muse.

I scoured eBay for a cheap pocket watch, and suddenly, there it was! I was pretty simple, with zodiac symbols circling the face. It immediately reminded me of the zodiac that surrounds the Magic Mirror in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Guess what scene I created.

The materials used were acrylic paint, Mod Podge, watercolor paper, plastic, and an epoxy glue.

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Halloween Papercrafts
August 19th, 2009


piranhaPhotos are now online of the first three Halloween papercrafts. I’ve decided to really run with this new trick-or-treat idea. Each toy is printed on 4×6 sheets, and is both pre-punched & pre-scored. The only tool needed to assemble them is a very small amount of glue.

These treats are packed in resealable polypropylene bags and stiffened with some cardstock. They are free to trick-or-treaters (one per person), and I may offer them as an online purchase in the future (maybe around October).

Halloween 2009
July 24th, 2009

dracula_coffinAs Halloween draws near, I am constantly brainstorming for this year’s personal display for the local trick-or-treaters. A few days ago, I overheard some neighborhood children talking about my display and how scary it was. They loved it! I’ll be doing roughly the same thing this year, but with some tweaks and improvements.

One of my main focuses will be on the treats. Instead of candy, I’ve been thinking of giving out small, punch-out papercrafts that the kids can assemble at home. Candy is fine, but it eventually runs out, and all you’re left with is a fading memory of that night.

The papercrafts that I’ve been thinking of are small trinket boxes in the shapes of coffins, tombstones, etcetera. They’re just something simple, something fun, and something that serves some purpose. With around 6 different designs to collect, they can be given out for 2-3 years before designing others.


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