
You are currently browsing the archives for the Artwork category.

Fancy Nite-Lite
April 30th, 2008

Here’s a sample of the type of art that I like to do in my spare time. I rebuilt my Sleeping Beauty Castle paper model, and created a nice diorama base. It lacks water, trees, and low-lying shrubbery, but I plan to add them later.

I love experimenting with all types of art and mediums, especially the more unconventional ones. What’s really exciting is when I combine them, like paper models and miniature landscaping. I also like painting on Shrinky Dink plastic. You can create miniature masterpieces with Shrinky Dinks and acrylic paint. Add a little too much paint, though, and it bubbles & wrinkles—not good for a mini Picasso, but excellent for miniature knarled/rotted wood.

POTC System Icons Preview #9
April 8th, 2008

POTC System Icons Preview #8
April 8th, 2008

POTC System Icons Preview #7
April 6th, 2008


POTC System Icons Preview #6
April 4th, 2008

This is one of several icons that had to be revamped because they were substandard. The original version of this icon had a skeleton parrot perched on top of the chest. The parrot was hard to see on the smaller icons (tiny bones), so I went with a more familiar parrot perched atop a shovel. Now it clearly resembles the beach scene in the Disneyland attraction’s arcade queue.

The chest is actually one that can be found over at the Pirate’s Lair on Tom Sawyer’s Island.

POTC System Icons Preview #5
April 4th, 2008

POTC System Icons Preview #4
April 3rd, 2008


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