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Giving My Creation Life!
October 11th, 2015

Dr. FrankensteinAs some may know, I celebrate Halloween on this website every year. But, the trick-or-treat page is usually up for only 1 week. Well, today, I remedied that! The page is now up year-round, and you can download all of the “Young Frankenstein” treats from years past.

Halloween is celebrated for a full week (October 25-31, Pacific Time), and that’s when you’ll get the next treat. See you in a couple of weeks!

Doorless Chambers
October 23rd, 2013

Doorless Chambers LogoThis year, I revived my old Doorless Chambers website with the intention of keeping it going this time. It should be much easier than prior years since I’ve found solutions to a lot of problems.

Doorless Chambers is an annual free online trick-or-treating event that runs from October 25-31. As a last-minute decision, I’ve decided to add Nava Designs to the roster, giving out a special Halloween treat. Come back to this blog during the mentioned dates to get started, or visit Doorless Chambers.

In the Harbor
September 19th, 2012

San Salvador Paper Model

Look at what just sailed into the harbor! You can now download the free San Salvador paper model from the Maritime Museum of San Diego‘s website. There are two versions: mine (v2) and Roman Detyna’s (v1). Roman’s version is more physically detailed, while my own relies more on graphics.

The museum has also allowed me to offer the model for download on this site.

Going Dark
August 30th, 2012

It’s lights-out for Nava Designs. We’ve upgraded to HTML5 and CSS3, along with a new look. There are still some things to finish, but all-in-all, it’s pretty much done.


“Big Changes” or “Buh-Bye, Etsy”
March 5th, 2012

Oh, what big changes! Where do I start? How ’bout the obvious . . .

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If It’s Not One Thing . . .
February 3rd, 2012

. . . it’s another. January has been very interesting.

I started off working on a package designs for a client who will be pitching an oh-so-cool toy to Disney soon. What started out as a series of 2-D box-fronts quickly turned into full-blown CG renders (at no request of the client, mind you). And, that led to to teaching myself how to texture objects in Blender. To escalate matters, there were no good high-res images of the existing toy that I could use on the packaging art, so I took it upon myself to both design and render that in 3-D, too! It took two solid weeks of work with no days off to get everything learned and rendered. In the end, it was worth the effort and newly-gained knowledge.

Next, I shifted my focus to working on Nava Designs. There’s a new Etsy store, and a Twitter feed. In the coming weeks (hopefully), I will be adding some unique items to the store. It’s been exhausting, but the items are fun, and the artwork is way cool!

I’m All A-Twitter
February 3rd, 2012

Nava Designs is now on Twitter! And, best of all, the YouTube, Flickr, and Etsy accounts are all connected, so you’ll be kept up-to-date on just about everything.


This website, Nava Designs, and all images contained within are ©/TM 2004-2025 Robert Nava and/or their respective owners. Do not reproduce this website or its contents in part or whole for any reason unless you obtain written permission. This website contains affiliate links, and as an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying products.