
Doorless Chambers
June 16th, 2008

I’ve taken on a brand-new public project. In fact, it’s world-wide. I’ve never organized anything like this before, so I hope it goes well. First, it has to get off of the ground. So far, there are only four Web sites participating. But, there’s plenty of time between now and October.

Doorless Chambers is a free online trick-or-treating event by the Disney fan community, for the Disney fan community. Guests will travel from site to site, each offering a downloadable treat.

I’m crossing my fingers.


  • Dr. Syn

    Greetings Robert,
    Just another trivial post, to let you know that someone looks over here. The Doorless Chambers project sounds fun. Given what you have been able to provide for all, I don’t think that you’ll need to cross your fingers. The only variable/concern would be the other participants. However, given your standards, that should be no problem. If only I had something to offer?! I recently broke 2 fingers in my right hand & have not even been able to doodle. End of my ramblings ………Cheers!

  • Robert N.

    Ouch! I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t use a hand for drawing, constructing, or using the computer. I’d probably go insane!

  • Dr. Syn

    Greetings, again……………..Yes, you are right! However, I have gone one step further. It is a very spooky moment, when I wonder what I would do if I couldn’t make a scrawl, or see clear enough to do anything. I may be a bit off centre most of the time, but there is a serious part.
    As always, my thanks for your efforts…….cheers


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