
Dropbox AdWords
May 22nd, 2012

Lately, I’ve been turned on to Dropbox, a cloud-based storage service for photos, music, videos, and any other computer file that that you can throw at it.

It’s pretty convenient; I used it the other week when I paid a surprise Mother’s Day visit to my mom. I spent several days there, and I was able to continue working on client work even though I was away from my work computer. Awesome!

A free account only gives you 2GB, which most people will run out of fairly quickly. Fortunately, Dropbox gives you opportunities to expand that free space . . . for free, no less. Right off the bat, Dropbox offers more space by taking a tour of the service, installing the client onto your computer, uploading your first file, and more. On May 21, Dropquest II started, giving everyone who completes it (many tricky tasks) an extra 1GB of storage (through June 2). But, the biggest possible boost in storage space are referrals.

For every referral made, both the current and new member get an extra 500MB of space. The member who made the referral can get up to 16GB of additional space. Last night, I followed a Lifehacker article that I found, using Google AdWords to advertise referrals and quickly max out my 16GB bonus space. Since I’m a GoDaddy user, I had $100 of free AdWords credit that I’ve never used, so I used that instead of the $75 free trial. Within a four-hour period, I went from having 3.85GB of space to 8.48GB! That’s impressive, and it shows the power of those otherwise annoying Google ads.

Pssst! By the way, if you want to sign up and get an additional 500MB of free space (that’s half of a gigabyte), sign up here.


  • Robert

    I’ve signed up for the $75 free trial. I’m not sure if I’ll get it, but that will be extra cash to spend on referrals if I ever need it.

  • Robert

    No word yet on the extra $75, but I did get an email regarding an older AdWords account asking me to return. They even gave me $100 in credit, which I added to the Dropbox campaign.

    It’s been nearly three days, and I’m just starting to reach my referral limit.


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