
Krug & McNeil
October 24th, 2010

I am currently enjoying three wonderful books. They’re simple, to the point, and extremely helpful.

Patrick McNeil’s books, The Web Designer’s Idea Book (volume 1 & volume 2), are chock full of website design samples. The books are a little small, and the images far smaller, but they’re both large and crisp enough that a website designer can become inspired. Examples are divided into groups such as color, theme, and function, and their color themes follow with hexadecimal codes (they’re missing in the second edition, though).

Steve Krug’s book, Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, revolves around one fundamental principal: design websites that demand as little thought from site visitors as possible. It’s a simple idea, and the reasons all make perfect sense.

I am currently re-designing a website from the ground up, and these books are invaluable!

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