Well, it seems that I won’t be guest-Blogging on TOR.com. I’ve sent several emails, including to the site administrators, and I’m getting no response at all. Well, too bad for them. I can’t wait forever, and I have to move on to other paying clients.
I know the site is still in Beta mode, and I know the folks there are very busy, but things were promised, and I haven’t received them. If there was some kind of hold-up or problem, I’d at least like a quick email saying that things will have to be postponed for a while. At least that way, I could have moved on to other things.
Of course, for all I know, there could be an email snafu that’s affecting everyone there. I don’t know. I just know I have to move on for the time being. Hopefully, I’ll hear form them again, as I was REALLY looking forward to working with them.