
Talk of the Town
February 9th, 2009

This past Saturday, I was dragged to an unofficial family reunion. Okay, I admit that I went freely. I love family gatherings; there’s always plenty of food, family, and love. Since I had not seen so many relatives since I was a kid, I decided to bring along two of my portfolios (one for artwork, and one for paper craft), and all of my business cards. I assumed that my portfolios would get a few glances, and only a few cards would be taken. Boy, was I wrong!

My portfolios were passed around like crazy with promotional help from a couple of my aunts. I received a lot of complements, and was referred to as the “famous artist.” The things that people couldn’t wrap their minds around were the paper models.

“What are these?”
“Paper models.”
“What are they made of?”

It’s such a simple explanation, but they still were not quite sure what to make of them. Paper doesn’t have to be flat.

With yet more promotion by my aunts, my cards started flying out of the boxes. Most people took two or more cards, especially my brand-new cards from Moo, which have different art samples on one side of each card.

Me oh my, what a fruitful day.

I also want to give a shout-out to my Aunt Nellie, who attended her first Grammy Awards. Although she didn’t win anything that night, the Polka Family Band has been nominated for a Grammy on several occasions. I recorded the show just to try to find both her and my cousin Greg in the audience (fifth row from the front, I later discovered). We’re all very proud!


  • Kelly Noone

    Hey Robert I am checking out your site for the first time and seen this thing about the family reunion. sorry I didnt see your porfolios or artwork. last time I we had a conversation with each other you were about 2 years old and well it wasent much of a conversation. I wish you all the luck in the world with your art. cus. Kelly

    • Robert

      That’s alright. Most of what are in my personal portfolio is here, in my online gallery, so you didn’t miss out on too much.

      Kelly Noone. Hmmm . . . doesn’t ring a bell. Ya know, there are so many family members, it’s impossible to keep track of who’s who. And, the number of folks who did attend were only a small fraction of the whole family.

      There’s a rumor about the possibility of having an official family reunion next year. But, this time it will be strictly for family (although there are always exceptions).

  • Ciecherella

    Nice work! I’ll have to do a cross post on this one 😉


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